
Showing posts from June, 2023

6-2 Blog: Marketing Perspective

Hello everyone! I most definitely do follow a good number of influencers whether that be through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram. I find myself mainly following large majorities of gaming content as that's what my hobby is and I find certain video games entertaining. It's also quite surprising to the extent that which social media influencers can market certain products. They typically garner special advertising deals with various companies and can put them inside videos for their audience to see. This type of marketing is quite interesting because since you trust your favorite influencer you're going to be more prone to listening to what they have to say about a product they're advertising. Word of mouth is a powerful tool to spread a product's name and get the ball rolling which is why influencers are great at marketing products to a specific audience. Collaborating with influencers definitely strengthens a brand's recognition as well as reputation if